Prado Valadares General Hospital

The building construction will have five new buildings, including a castle-like structure, which will house the hospital’s new pediatric unit. This structure will have seven floors where there will be installed 10 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) pediatric beds.

Four other buildings are also part of the project:

  • The waste shelter;
  • The LPG plant;
  • The power substation and;
  • The ecumenical chapel.

The readjustment of services will also be carried out, increasing the complexity of medical procedures performed in the unit.

The hospital complex will have 277 beds, with 48 ICUs for adult and pediatric care. Currently, the unit is a reference for 27 counties, covering more than 600 thousand inhabitants. Over R$ 42 million will be invested in the new stage of the hospital’s expansion.


• Euro Exchange Rate: R$ 56    • Dollar Exchange Rate: R$ 66